

JSON pull-parser/push-serializer library for C++

A portable, dependency-free, MIT-licensed JSON pull-parser/push-serializer library for C++.

The goal of this library is to provide a pull-style parser (instead of push/SAX or DOM) and push-style serializer with clean, modern interfaces and conforming, well-tested (and well-fuzzed, including the serializer) implementations. In particular, pull-style parsers are not very common, and we couldn't find any C++ implementations that also satisfy the above requirements.

Typical parser usage (low-level API):

#include <libstud/json/parser.hxx>

int main ()
  using namespace stud::json;

  parser p (std::cin, "<stdin>");

  for (event e: p)
    switch (e)
    case event::begin_object:
      // ...
    case event::end_object:
      // ...
    case event::name:
        const std::string& n ( ());
        // ...
    case event::number:
        std::int64_t n (p.value<std::int64_t> ());
        // ...

Or using the higher-level API to parse a specific JSON vocabulary:

#include <libstud/json/parser.hxx>

int main ()
  using namespace stud::json;

  parser p (std::cin, "<stdin>");

  p.next_expect (event::begin_object);
    std::string planet (p.next_expect_member_string ("planet"));

    p.next_expect_member_array ("measurements");
    while (p.next_expect (event::number, event::end_array))
      std::uint64 m (p.value<std::uint64> ());
  p.next_expect (event::end_object);

See the libstud/json/parser.hxx header for the parser interface details and the libstud/json/event.hxx header for the complete list of events.

Typical serializer usage:

#include <libstud/json/serializer.hxx>

int main ()
  using namespace stud::json;

  stream_serializer s (std::cout);

  s.begin_object ();
  s.member ("planet", "Venus");
  s.member_name ("measurement");
  s.begin_array ();
  s.value (123);
  s.value (234);
  s.value (345);
  s.end_array ();
  s.end_object ();

See the libstud/json/serializer.hxx header for the serializer interface details.

See the NEWS file for changes and the package page for build status.

license MIT
project libstud
topics C++JSONparsingserializationstreaming
2 Versions
version 0.5.0
depends 1; libstud-optional
reviews 0
version 0.4.3
depends 1; libstud-optional
reviews +1