SQLite ODB runtime library
ODB is an object-relational mapping (ORM) system for C++. It provides tools, APIs, and library support that allow you to persist C++ objects to a relational database (RDBMS) without having to deal with tables, columns, or SQL and without manually writing any of the mapping code. For more information see: http://www.codesynthesis.com/products/odb/ This package contains the SQLite ODB runtime library. Every application that includes code generated for the SQLite database will need to link to this... More
license | GPL-2.0-only or other: proprietary |
project | odb |
url | www.codesynthesis.com/products/odb/ |
doc-url | www.codesynthesis.com/products/odb/doc/manual.xhtml |
src-url | git.codesynthesis.com/cgit/odb/odb/ |
odb-users@codesynthesis.com | |
topics | C++ORMSQLiteSQL |
5 Versions
version | 2.5.0-b.27 |
repository | https://pkg.cppget.org/1/beta |
depends | 3; libsqlite3, libodb, *cli ? |
requires | 1; c++11 |
reviews | +1 |
version | 2.5.0-b.25+1 |
repository | https://pkg.cppget.org/1/beta |
depends | 3; libsqlite3, libodb, *cli ? |
requires | 1; c++11 |
reviews | +1 |
version | 2.5.0-b.23 |
repository | https://pkg.cppget.org/1/beta |
depends | 2; libsqlite3, libodb |
requires | 1; c++11 |
reviews | +1 |
version | 2.5.0-b.21 |
repository | https://pkg.cppget.org/1/beta |
depends | 2; libsqlite3, libodb |
requires | 1; c++11 |
reviews | +1 |
version | 2.5.0-b.19 |
repository | https://pkg.cppget.org/1/beta |
depends | 2; libsqlite3, libodb |
requires | 1; c++11 |
reviews | +1 |