Higher-order functions for C++
HigherOrderFunctions is a header-only C++11/C++14 library that provides utilities for functions and function objects, which can solve many problems with much simpler constructs than whats traditionally been done with metaprogramming.
HigherOrderFunctions is:
- Modern: HigherOrderFunctions takes advantages of modern C++11/C++14 features. It support both
initialization and constexpr
evaluation of functions. It takes advantage of type deduction, variadic templates, and perfect forwarding to provide a simple and modern interface.
- Relevant: HigherOrderFunctions provides utilities for functions and does not try to implement a functional language in C++. As such, HigherOrderFunctions solves many problems relevant to C++ programmers, including initialization of function objects and lambdas, overloading with ordering, improved return type deduction, and much more.
- Lightweight: HigherOrderFunctions builds simple lightweight abstraction on top of function objects. It does not require subscribing to an entire framework. Just use the parts you need.
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