292 Packages
name libtinyobjloader
summary Tiny but powerful single file wavefront obj loader written in C++03
license MIT
depends 0
name libftxui-tests
summary Tests for the FTXUI library.
license MIT
depends 1; gtest
name libxsd-tests
summary XML Schema to C++ data binding compiler runtime library tests
license other: GPL-2.0-only with Xerces-C++ linking exception and FLOSS exception
depends 2; libxerces-c, libexpat
name xsde-tests
summary Tests for the XML Schema to C++ data binding compiler for mobile and embedded systems
license other: GPL-2.0-only with FLOSS exception
depends 1; libxsde
name xsd-tests
summary XML Schema to C++ data binding compiler tests
license other: GPL-2.0-only with Xerces-C++ linking exception and FLOSS exception
depends 2; libxsd, libxerces-c
name catch2
summary Catch2 is a multi-paradigm test framework for C++. which also supports Objective-C (and maybe C). It is primarily distributed as a single header file, although certain extensions may require additional headers.
license BSL-1.0
depends 0
name libbuild2-autoconf-tests
summary Tests for the Autoconf emulation build system module for build2
license MIT
depends 0
name libbuild2-kconfig-tests
summary Tests for the Kconfig build system module for build2
license GPL-2.0-only
depends 0
name libsqlite_orm-tests
summary Tests for the SQLite ORM library.
license AGPL-3.0-only
depends 1; catch2
name strong_type-tests
summary An additive strong typedef library for C++14/17/20, tests
license BSL-1.0
depends 2; catch2, fmt
name concurrentqueue
summary A fast multi-producer, multi-consumer lock-free concurrent queue for C++11
license BSD-2-Clause
depends 0
name frozen
summary a header-only, constexpr alternative to gperf for C++14 users
license Apache-2.0
depends 0
name liblua
summary Embeddable scripting language, library
license MIT
depends 0
name lua
summary Embeddable scripting language, interpreter and compiler
license MIT
depends 1; liblua
name build2
summary build2 build system
license MIT
depends 1; libbutl
name libjpeg-turbo
summary JPEG image codec C library
license (IJG and LicenseRef-modified-BSD-3-clause and Zlib)
depends 0
name cli-tests
summary Tests for the CLI compiler for C++
license MIT
depends 0
name crashpad-tests
summary Chromium crash-reporting system, tests
license Apache-2.0
depends 4; gtest, gmock, mini_chromium, crashpad-handler
name libbox2d-tests
summary Unit test package of the Box2D physics engine for games.
license MIT
depends 0
name libimgui
summary Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies
license MIT
depends 0