292 Packages
name cryptopp
summary free C++ class library of cryptographic schemes
license other
depends 0
name gmock
summary Google Mocking Framework
license BSD-3-Clause
depends 1; gtest
name lua-tests
summary Embeddable scripting language, tests
license MIT
depends 0
name libboost-math
summary Boost.Math includes several contributions in the domain of mathematics: Floating Point Utilities, Specific Width Floating Point Types, Mathematical Constants, Statistical Distributions, Special Functions, Root Finding and Function Minimization, Polynomials and Rational Functions, Interpolation, and Numerical Integration and Differentiation. Many of these features are templated to support both built-in, and extended width types (e.g. Boost.Multiprecision)
license BSL-1.0
depends 10; libboost-assert, libboost-concept-check, libboost-config, libboost-core, libboost-integer, libboost-lexical-cast, libboost-predef, libboost-random, libboost-static-assert, libboost-throw-exception
name libimgui-null-backend-test
summary Package using Dear ImGui's example_null backend to test libimgui.
license MIT
depends 0
name libimgui-null-backend-test-docking
summary Package using Dear ImGui's example_null backend to test libimgui ; docking branch
license MIT
depends 0
name nanoflann-tests
summary Nearest-Neighbor (NN) search with KD-trees C++ library, tests
license BSD-2-Clause
depends 1; gtest
name cglm
summary Highly Optimized Graphics Math (glm) for C
license MIT
depends 0
name pxart
summary Packed Extensions for Advanced Random Techniques: C++ Library and Applications for Random Number Generators
license MIT
depends 0
name libbuild2-hello-tests
summary Tests for the test build system module for build2
license MIT
depends 0
name catch2-tests
summary Catch2 test package
license BSL-1.0
depends 0
name libthrift-tests
summary Apache Thrift C++ library tests
license Apache-2.0
depends 4; (libboost-chrono libboost-filesystem libboost-foreach libboost-format libboost-iterator libboost-move libboost-test libboost-random libboost-thread), *thrift, libthrift, *openssl ?
name pest
summary pest is macro free otherwise simplistic c++17 unit testing
license public domain
depends 0
name plf-colony-tests
summary Tests for `plf-colony`
license zLib
depends 0
name sol2
summary C++ library binding to Lua
license MIT
depends 1; lua
name sol2-examples
summary C++ library binding to Lua, examples
license MIT
depends 0
name chaiscript
summary ChaiScript Interpreter based on 'libchaiscript'
license BSD-3-Clause
depends 1; libchaiscript
name chaiscript-stdlib
summary Dynamically Loadable Standard Library for ChaiScript Interpreter 'chaiscript'
license BSD-3-Clause
depends 1; libchaiscript
name libchaiscript
summary ChaiScript is a header-only C++ embedded scripting language loosely based on ECMA script.
license BSD-3-Clause
depends 0
name libchaiscript-samples
summary Examples for 'libchaiscript'
license BSD-3-Clause
depends 0