42 Packages
name libxsd
summary XML Schema to C++ data binding compiler runtime library
license other: GPL-2.0-only with Xerces-C++ linking exception and FLOSS exception
depends 0
name xsd
summary XML Schema to C++ data binding compiler
license other: GPL-2.0-only with Xerces-C++ linking exception and FLOSS exception
depends 4; libxsd-frontend, libcutl, libxerces-c, *cli ?
name libboost-serialization
summary Serialization for persistence and marshalling
license BSL-1.0
depends 23; libboost-function, libboost-array, libboost-assert, libboost-config, libboost-core, libboost-detail, libboost-integer, libboost-io, libboost-iterator, libboost-move, libboost-mp11, libboost-mpl, libboost-optional, libboost-predef, libboost-preprocessor, libboost-smart-ptr, libboost-spirit, libboost-static-assert, libboost-throw-exception, libboost-type-traits, libboost-utility, libboost-variant, libboost-variant2
name libstud-json
summary JSON pull-parser/push-serializer library for C++
license MIT
depends 1; libstud-optional
name libboost-redis
summary Redis async client library built on top of Boost.Asio
license BSL-1.0
depends 8; libssl, libcrypto, libboost-asio, libboost-assert, libboost-core, libboost-mp11, libboost-system, libboost-throw-exception
name libboost-json
summary JSON parsing, serialization, and DOM in C++11
license BSL-1.0
depends 12; libboost-align, libboost-assert, libboost-config, libboost-container, libboost-container-hash, libboost-core, libboost-describe, libboost-endian, libboost-mp11, libboost-static-assert, libboost-system, libboost-throw-exception
name libtomlplusplus
summary Header-only TOML config file parser and serializer for C++17.
license MIT
depends 0
name libgenx
summary Genx XML serializer C library
license MIT
depends 0
name libglaze
summary JSON and interface library for C++
license MIT
depends 1; libasio ?
name libstudxml
summary Streaming XML pull parser/serializer for C++11
license MIT
depends 1; libexpat ?
name libxsde
summary Runtime library for XML Schema to C++ data binding compiler for mobile and embedded systems
license other: GPL-2.0-only with FLOSS exception
depends 1; libexpat ?
name xsde
summary XML Schema to C++ data binding compiler for mobile and embedded systems
license other: GPL-2.0-only with FLOSS exception
depends 3; libxsd-frontend, libcutl, *cli ?
name libboost-asio
summary Portable networking and other low-level I/O, including sockets, timers, hostname resolution, socket iostreams, serial ports, file descriptors and Windows HANDLEs
license BSL-1.0
depends 7; libboost-align, libboost-assert, libboost-config, libboost-context, libboost-date-time, libboost-system, libboost-throw-exception
name libxerces-c
summary Validating XML parsing and serialization C++ library
license Apache-2.0
depends 2; libcurl ?, (libicuuc libicui18n ?)
name magic_enum
summary Static reflection for enums (to string, from string, iteration) for modern C++, work with any enum type without any macro or boilerplate code
license MIT License
depends 0
name magic_enum-tests
summary magic_enum tests
license MIT License
depends 1; catch2
name libtomlplusplus-tests
summary Tests for the toml++ library.
license MIT
depends 1; catch2
name libharfbuzz
summary HarfBuzz text shaping engine C/C++ libraries
license MIT-Modern-Variant or MIT
depends 2; libfreetype, libicuuc
name libpstld
summary Experimental implementation of ParallelSTL on top of Grand Central Dispatch aka libdispatch.
license MIT
depends 0
name libthrift
summary Apache Thrift C++ library
license Apache-2.0
depends 4; (libboost-algorithm libboost-foreach libboost-format libboost-locale libboost-numeric-conversion libboost-scope-exit libboost-tokenizer), libevent ?, libssl ?, libz ?