20 Packages
name | libodb |
summary | Common ODB runtime library |
license | GPL-2.0-only or other: proprietary |
depends | 0 |
name | odb |
summary | ODB compiler |
license | GPL-3.0-only |
depends | 3; libstudxml, libcutl, *cli ? |
name | libmariadb |
summary | MariaDB C API client library |
license | LGPLv2.1 |
depends | 1; libz |
name | libmysqlclient |
summary | MySQL C API client library |
license | other: GPL-2.0-only with MySQL Universal FOSS Exception |
depends | 3; libz, libcrypto, libssl |
name | mysql-client |
summary | MySQL command-line client |
license | other: GPL-2.0-only with MySQL Universal FOSS Exception |
depends | 3; libmysqlclient, libcrypto, libisocline ? |
name | libpq |
summary | PostgreSQL C API client library |
license | PostgreSQL |
depends | 2; libcrypto, libssl |
name | psql |
summary | PostgreSQL interactive terminal |
license | PostgreSQL |
depends | 2; libpq, libcrypto |
name | sqlite3 |
summary | SQLite database engine shell program |
license | blessing |
depends | 2; libsqlite3, libz |
name | libsqlite3 |
summary | SQL database engine as an in-process C library |
license | blessing |
depends | 0 |
name | libodb-boost |
summary | Boost ODB profile library |
license | GPL-2.0-only or other: proprietary |
depends | 1; libodb |
name | libodb-mssql |
summary | Microsoft SQL Server ODB runtime library |
license | other: ODB NCUEL or other: proprietary |
depends | 2; libodb, *cli ? |
name | libodb-mysql |
summary | MySQL ODB runtime library |
license | GPL-2.0-only or other: proprietary |
depends | 4; libmysqlclient, mysql-client ?, libodb, *cli ? |
name | libodb-oracle |
summary | Oracle ODB runtime library |
license | other: ODB NCUEL or other: proprietary |
depends | 2; libodb, *cli ? |
name | libodb-pgsql |
summary | PostgreSQL ODB runtime library |
license | GPL-2.0-only or other: proprietary |
depends | 4; libpq, psql ?, libodb, *cli ? |
name | libodb-qt |
summary | Qt ODB profile library |
license | GPL-2.0-only or other: proprietary |
depends | 1; libodb |
name | libodb-sqlite |
summary | SQLite ODB runtime library |
license | GPL-2.0-only or other: proprietary |
depends | 4; libsqlite3, sqlite3 ?, libodb, *cli ? |
name | odb-examples |
summary | ODB compiler usage examples |
license | Unlicense |
depends | 19; *odb, libodb, libodb-mysql ?, libodb-sqlite ?, libodb-pgsql ?, libodb-oracle ?, libodb-mssql ?, libodb-boost ?, libodb-qt ?, libboost-multi-index ?, libboost-optional ?, libboost-smart-ptr ?, libboost-unordered ?, libboost-uuid ?, libboost-date-time ?, libQt5Core ?, libQt6Core ?, *mysql-client ?, *psql ? |
name | odb-tests |
summary | ODB compiler tests |
license | GPL-2.0-only |
depends | 21; *odb, libodb, libodb-mysql ?, libodb-sqlite ?, libodb-pgsql ?, libodb-oracle ?, libodb-mssql ?, libodb-boost ?, libodb-qt ?, libboost-multi-index ?, libboost-optional ?, libboost-smart-ptr ?, libboost-unordered ?, libboost-uuid ?, libboost-date-time ?, libQt5Core ?, libQt6Core ?, libpq ?, (libpq ?), *mysql-client ?, *psql ? |
name | build2 |
summary | build2 build system |
license | MIT |
depends | 1; libbutl |
name | libharfbuzz |
summary | HarfBuzz text shaping engine C/C++ libraries |
license | MIT-Modern-Variant or MIT |
depends | 2; libfreetype, libicuuc |