372 Packages
name args
summary A simple header-only C++ argument parser library
license MIT
depends 0
name args-tests
summary Tests for the args library
license MIT
depends 1; catch2
name date
summary A date and time library based on the C++11/14/17 <chrono> header
license MIT
depends 1; libcurl
name glbinding
summary OpenGL loader C++ library based on gl.xml specification
license MIT
depends 1; libboost-thread ?
name glbinding-examples
summary OpenGL loader C++ library based on gl.xml specification, examples
license MIT
depends 3; glbinding, glew, glfw
name glbinding-tests
summary OpenGL loader C++ library based on gl.xml specification, tests
license MIT
depends 4; glbinding, glfw, gtest, gmock
name libtomlplusplus
summary Header-only TOML config file parser and serializer for C++17.
license MIT
depends 0
name libjpeg-turbo
summary JPEG image codec C library
license (IJG and LicenseRef-modified-BSD-3-clause and Zlib)
depends 0
name glm
summary Header-only C++ mathematics library for graphics software based on the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) specifications
license MIT or The Happy Bunny License
depends 0
name uvw
summary Header-only, event based, tiny and easy to use libuv wrapper in modern C++ - now available as also shared/static library!
license MIT
depends 1; libuv
name chaiscript
summary ChaiScript Interpreter based on 'libchaiscript'
license BSD-3-Clause
depends 1; libchaiscript
name libboost-json
summary JSON parsing, serialization, and DOM in C++11
license BSL-1.0
depends 12; libboost-align, libboost-assert, libboost-config, libboost-container, libboost-container-hash, libboost-core, libboost-describe, libboost-endian, libboost-mp11, libboost-static-assert, libboost-system, libboost-throw-exception
name libchaiscript
summary ChaiScript is a header-only C++ embedded scripting language loosely based on ECMA script.
license BSD-3-Clause
depends 0
name libchaiscript-samples
summary Examples for 'libchaiscript'
license BSD-3-Clause
depends 0
name libchaiscript-tests
summary Tests for 'libchaiscript'
license BSD-3-Clause
depends 1; catch2
name liblinenoise
summary A minimal, zero-config, BSD licensed, readline replacement used in Redis, MongoDB, Android and many other projects.
license BSD-2-Clause
depends 0
name libzstd
summary Zstandard lossless compression algorithm C library
license BSD-3-Clause OR GPL-2.0-only
depends 0
name libglaze
summary JSON and interface library for C++
license MIT
depends 1; libasio ?
name libthrift
summary Apache Thrift C++ library
license Apache-2.0
depends 4; (libboost-algorithm libboost-foreach libboost-format libboost-locale libboost-numeric-conversion libboost-scope-exit libboost-tokenizer), libevent ?, libssl ?, libz ?
name libigl-core
summary libigl's Core Module
license MPL-2.0 or GPL-3.0-or-later
depends 1; Eigen