189 Packages
name | libboost-yap |
summary | An expression template library for C++14 and later |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 3; libboost-hana, libboost-preprocessor, libboost-type-index |
name | libboost-accumulators |
summary | Framework for incremental calculation, and collection of statistical accumulators |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 20; libboost-array, libboost-assert, libboost-circular-buffer, libboost-concept-check, libboost-config, libboost-core, libboost-fusion, libboost-iterator, libboost-mpl, libboost-numeric-conversion, libboost-numeric-ublas, libboost-parameter, libboost-preprocessor, libboost-range, libboost-serialization, libboost-static-assert, libboost-throw-exception, libboost-tuple, libboost-type-traits, libboost-typeof |
name | libboost-array |
summary | STL compliant container wrapper for arrays of constant size |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 5; libboost-assert, libboost-config, libboost-core, libboost-static-assert, libboost-throw-exception |
name | libboost-asio |
summary | Portable networking and other low-level I/O, including sockets, timers, hostname resolution, socket iostreams, serial ports, file descriptors and Windows HANDLEs |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 7; libboost-align, libboost-assert, libboost-config, libboost-context, libboost-date-time, libboost-system, libboost-throw-exception |
name | libboost-bimap |
summary | Bidirectional maps library for C++. With Boost.Bimap you can create associative containers in which both types can be used as key |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 13; libboost-concept-check, libboost-config, libboost-container-hash, libboost-core, libboost-iterator, libboost-lambda, libboost-mpl, libboost-multi-index, libboost-preprocessor, libboost-static-assert, libboost-throw-exception, libboost-type-traits, libboost-utility |
name | libboost-circular-buffer |
summary | A STL compliant container also known as ring or cyclic buffer |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 8; libboost-assert, libboost-concept-check, libboost-config, libboost-core, libboost-move, libboost-static-assert, libboost-throw-exception, libboost-type-traits |
name | libboost-context |
summary | (C++11) Context switching library |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 7; libboost-assert, libboost-config, libboost-core, libboost-mp11, libboost-pool, libboost-predef, libboost-smart-ptr |
name | libboost-coroutine2 |
summary | (C++11) Coroutine library |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 3; libboost-assert, libboost-config, libboost-context |
name | libboost-fiber |
summary | (C++11) Userland threads library |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 10; libboost-algorithm, libboost-filesystem, libboost-format, libboost-assert, libboost-config, libboost-context, libboost-core, libboost-intrusive, libboost-predef, libboost-smart-ptr |
name | libboost-flyweight |
summary | Design pattern to manage large quantities of highly redundant objects |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 13; libboost-assert, libboost-config, libboost-container-hash, libboost-core, libboost-detail, libboost-interprocess, libboost-mpl, libboost-multi-index, libboost-parameter, libboost-preprocessor, libboost-smart-ptr, libboost-throw-exception, libboost-type-traits |
name | libboost-functional |
summary | The Boost.Function library contains a family of class templates that are function object wrappers |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 9; libboost-config, libboost-core, libboost-function, libboost-function-types, libboost-mpl, libboost-preprocessor, libboost-type-traits, libboost-typeof, libboost-utility |
name | libboost-function-types |
summary | Boost.FunctionTypes provides functionality to classify, decompose and synthesize function, function pointer, function reference and pointer to member types |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 6; libboost-config, libboost-core, libboost-detail, libboost-mpl, libboost-preprocessor, libboost-type-traits |
name | libboost-fusion |
summary | Library for working with tuples, including various containers, algorithms, etc |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 12; libboost-config, libboost-container-hash, libboost-core, libboost-function-types, libboost-functional, libboost-mpl, libboost-preprocessor, libboost-static-assert, libboost-tuple, libboost-type-traits, libboost-typeof, libboost-utility |
name | libboost-heap |
summary | Priority queue data structures |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 12; libboost-array, libboost-assert, libboost-bind, libboost-concept-check, libboost-config, libboost-core, libboost-intrusive, libboost-iterator, libboost-parameter, libboost-static-assert, libboost-throw-exception, libboost-type-traits |
name | libboost-icl |
summary | Interval Container Library, interval sets and maps and aggregation of associated values |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 15; libboost-assert, libboost-concept-check, libboost-config, libboost-container, libboost-core, libboost-date-time, libboost-detail, libboost-iterator, libboost-move, libboost-mpl, libboost-range, libboost-rational, libboost-static-assert, libboost-type-traits, libboost-utility |
name | libboost-interprocess |
summary | Shared memory, memory mapped files, process-shared mutexes, condition variables, containers and allocators |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 9; libboost-assert, libboost-config, libboost-container, libboost-core, libboost-intrusive, libboost-move, libboost-static-assert, libboost-type-traits, libboost-winapi |
name | libboost-lambda |
summary | Define small unnamed function objects at the actual call site, and more |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 10; libboost-bind, libboost-config, libboost-core, libboost-detail, libboost-iterator, libboost-mpl, libboost-preprocessor, libboost-tuple, libboost-type-traits, libboost-utility |
name | libboost-local-function |
summary | Program functions locally, within other functions, directly within the scope where they are needed |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 7; libboost-config, libboost-mpl, libboost-preprocessor, libboost-scope-exit, libboost-type-traits, libboost-typeof, libboost-utility |
name | libboost-lockfree |
summary | Lockfree data structures |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 15; libboost-align, libboost-array, libboost-assert, libboost-atomic, libboost-config, libboost-core, libboost-integer, libboost-iterator, libboost-mpl, libboost-parameter, libboost-predef, libboost-static-assert, libboost-tuple, libboost-type-traits, libboost-utility |
name | libboost-metaparse |
summary | A library for generating compile time parsers parsing embedded DSL code as part of the C++ compilation process |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 6; libboost-config, libboost-mpl, libboost-predef, libboost-preprocessor, libboost-static-assert, libboost-type-traits |