185 Packages
name | libboost-iterator |
summary | The Boost Iterator Library contains two parts. The first is a system of concepts which extend the C++ standard iterator requirements. The second is a framework of components for building iterators based on these extended concepts and includes several useful iterator adaptors |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 14; libboost-assert, libboost-concept-check, libboost-config, libboost-conversion, libboost-core, libboost-detail, libboost-function-types, libboost-fusion, libboost-mpl, libboost-optional, libboost-smart-ptr, libboost-static-assert, libboost-type-traits, libboost-utility |
name | libboost-contract |
summary | Contract programming for C++. All contract programming features are supported: Subcontracting, class invariants, postconditions (with old and return values), preconditions, customizable actions on assertion failure (e.g., terminate or throw), optional compilation and checking of assertions, etc |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 16; libboost-any, libboost-assert, libboost-config, libboost-core, libboost-exception, libboost-function, libboost-function-types, libboost-mpl, libboost-optional, libboost-preprocessor, libboost-smart-ptr, libboost-static-assert, libboost-thread, libboost-type-traits, libboost-typeof, libboost-utility |
name | libboost-uuid |
summary | A universally unique identifier |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 14; libboost-assert, libboost-config, libboost-container-hash, libboost-core, libboost-io, libboost-move, libboost-numeric-conversion, libboost-predef, libboost-random, libboost-static-assert, libboost-throw-exception, libboost-tti, libboost-type-traits, libboost-winapi |
name | libboost-core |
summary | A collection of simple core utilities with minimal dependencies |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 4; libboost-assert, libboost-config, libboost-static-assert, libboost-throw-exception |
name | libboost-histogram |
summary | Fast multi-dimensional histogram with convenient interface for C++14 |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 7; libboost-config, libboost-core, libboost-math, libboost-mp11, libboost-serialization, libboost-throw-exception, libboost-variant2 |
name | libboost-mysql |
summary | MySQL client library built on top of Boost.Asio |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 13; libssl, libcrypto, libboost-asio, libboost-assert, libboost-config, libboost-core, libboost-describe, libboost-endian, libboost-lexical-cast, libboost-mp11, libboost-system, libboost-throw-exception, libboost-variant2 |
name | libboost-locale |
summary | Provide localization and Unicode handling tools for C++ |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 9; libboost-predef, libboost-thread, libicuuc, libicui18n, libboost-assert, libboost-config, libboost-core, libboost-iterator, libboost-utility |
name | libboost-logic |
summary | 3-state boolean type library |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 2; libboost-config, libboost-core |
name | libboost-numeric-ublas |
summary | uBLAS provides tensor, matrix, and vector classes as well as basic linear algebra routines. Several dense, packed and sparse storage schemes are supported |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 12; libboost-concept-check, libboost-config, libboost-core, libboost-iterator, libboost-mpl, libboost-numeric-interval, libboost-range, libboost-serialization, libboost-smart-ptr, libboost-static-assert, libboost-type-traits, libboost-typeof |
name | libboost-multi-index |
summary | The Boost Multi-index Containers Library provides a class template named multi_index_container which enables the construction of containers maintaining one or more indices with different sorting and access semantics |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 16; libboost-assert, libboost-bind, libboost-config, libboost-container-hash, libboost-core, libboost-integer, libboost-iterator, libboost-move, libboost-mpl, libboost-preprocessor, libboost-smart-ptr, libboost-static-assert, libboost-throw-exception, libboost-tuple, libboost-type-traits, libboost-utility |
name | libboost-algorithm |
summary | A collection of useful generic algorithms |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 17; libboost-array, libboost-assert, libboost-bind, libboost-concept-check, libboost-config, libboost-core, libboost-exception, libboost-function, libboost-iterator, libboost-mpl, libboost-range, libboost-regex ?, libboost-static-assert, libboost-throw-exception, libboost-tuple, libboost-type-traits, libboost-unordered |
name | libboost-assign |
summary | Filling containers with constant or generated data has never been easier |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 11; libboost-array, libboost-config, libboost-core, libboost-move, libboost-preprocessor, libboost-ptr-container, libboost-range, libboost-static-assert, libboost-throw-exception, libboost-tuple, libboost-type-traits |
name | libboost-concept-check |
summary | Tools for generic programming |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 4; libboost-config, libboost-preprocessor, libboost-static-assert, libboost-type-traits |
name | libboost-container |
summary | Standard library containers and extensions |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 5; libboost-assert, libboost-config, libboost-intrusive, libboost-move, libboost-static-assert |
name | libboost-container-hash |
summary | An STL-compatible hash function object that can be extended to hash user defined types |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 4; libboost-config, libboost-describe, libboost-mp11, libboost-type-traits |
name | libboost-date-time |
summary | A set of date-time libraries based on generic programming concepts |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 15; libboost-algorithm, libboost-assert, libboost-config, libboost-core, libboost-io, libboost-lexical-cast, libboost-numeric-conversion, libboost-range, libboost-smart-ptr, libboost-static-assert, libboost-throw-exception, libboost-tokenizer, libboost-type-traits, libboost-utility, libboost-winapi |
name | libboost-format |
summary | The format library provides a type-safe mechanism for formatting arguments according to a printf-like format-string |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 7; libboost-assert, libboost-config, libboost-core, libboost-optional, libboost-smart-ptr, libboost-throw-exception, libboost-utility |
name | libboost-hana |
summary | A modern C++ metaprogramming library. It provides high level algorithms to manipulate heterogeneous sequences, allows writing type-level computations with a natural syntax, provides tools to introspect user-defined types and much more |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 5; libboost-config, libboost-core, libboost-fusion, libboost-mpl, libboost-tuple |
name | libboost-hof |
summary | Higher-order functions for C++ |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 0 |
name | libboost-intrusive |
summary | Intrusive containers and algorithms |
license | BSL-1.0 |
depends | 5; libboost-assert, libboost-config, libboost-container-hash, libboost-move, libboost-static-assert |